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Video: Mental rally driver jumps his BMW

Submitted by on June 17, 2014

BMW jumpIs it a bird? Is it a plane? No, it’s a BMW 3 series.

Welcome to the 2013 Viru Rally, Estonia. We watched all three of these videos in utter awe of driver Pritt Koik and his fearless co-driver Alari-Uku Heldna, as the pair soar through the air aboard their E36 BMW M3 before crash landing and immediately initiating a slide into the next corner.

The way he catches the landing and then recovers it into the next corner at high speed is nothing short of breathtaking. We must have watched it more than 10 times and we still can’t decide if it was pure skill, or pure luck that things didn’t go completely wrong. Perhaps a mix of both, prepare to be blown away:

Another angle:

And of course, the ever popular (and terrifying) onboard:

Hat tip goes to Road and Track for digging this one up.

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