Articles in Gear

Gallery: Formula 1 Transformations
Take a look at these six awesome moving images as they transform from one classic F1 racer to another.

Top Five of 2013: Gear
Cheers! Sandy’s Can Cars are Unbe(er)lievable
Image: Sandy’s CanCars
It’s Saturday night. You’re surrounded by mates, good barbeque and beers. Great ideas flow like the golden liquid that’s rapidly making its way to your head.
And then all too …

The Powerful Painting of Paul Oz
Images: Paul Oz
Paul Oz is a man after our own hearts. A magnificent artist, his exhibitions are comprised of awesome oil paintings which pluck subjects from the pages of motorsport’s history and legends of pop …

Perfectly Petite Porsches – The Classic Motorsport Models of Warren Riddell
“The Stefan Bellof 956 in partial test livery. I saw a photo of this car in a Porsche brochure from 1984 and of course I had to do a model of it.” – Warren Riddell
Images: …

Minature Ferrari from the ’50s sells for ludicrous figure
Do your kids have expensive taste? You better hope you never find this on their Christmas list.

This 1/2 scale McLaren CanAm could be yours
Cro-moly tubular frame, OHV racing engine, hydraulic disc brakes and proper aluminum competition wheels shod in slick tyres. This custom creation blurs the lines between toy, go kart and race car.

Gear: Rule Britannia 2014 Classic F1 Calendar
Knowing what time it is is a very important aspect of being a hip and happening dude(tte), and we feel that knowing what day it is is quite helpful as well. Happily Saison 73 are …