Articles in News

Video: 2013 SVRA Vintage Racing Championship
Take a look at this terrific video which really plays on the strengths of vintage motor racing – the comradery, the fun and of course, the stunning cars.

Gear: Rule Britannia 2014 Classic F1 Calendar
Knowing what time it is is a very important aspect of being a hip and happening dude(tte), and we feel that knowing what day it is is quite helpful as well. Happily Saison 73 are …

Win one of three Alpinestars 50 year Anniversary Books
To celebrate their 50th Anniversary, Alpinestars are giving away three copies of their hardcover, full color book documenting its journey from boot manufacturer in Northern Italy, to a global maverick of motorsports and fashion.
For your chance to …

Record Crowds Join In as Motorclassica Gets Better and Better
Images: Motorclassica
The beautiful halls of Melbourne’s Royal Exhibition Building are just that little less enrapturing today, as the last of Motorclassica 2013’s stunning collection of historic, vintage, veteran, classic and collectable cars and motorcycles has hit the …

Auction: Colossal classic race car collection goes under the hammer
Image credit: Simon Clay thanks to RM Auctions
RM Auctions’ inaugural Paris Auction will be held during Retromobile week in February next year and feature Peter Harburg’s colossal collection of historic race cars.

Video: Goliath beats David?
Excellent on board footage captures the moment where this tiny Mini Cooper S is punted off the track by a lumbering V8 Ford Galaxie. But who was at fault?

Retro cars invade the newest of motorsports
Retro cars invade the newest of motorsports, and why they’re closer to the golden racing days of old than you might think.

Be Awestruck by the Art of Automotive Design at Motorclassica 2013
From the 1991 Jordan 191 to Ferrari’s 330 P4 and the Britten V1000, we’ve never had any doubt that automotive designers are artists. Motorclassica are going to be celebrating that fact this weekend when Italian …